Artikellijst van de producent: Poulten & Graf - Eerste letter: A
Art. nr. Omschrijving
10573402 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with interm Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with...
10574202 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with interm Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with...
10574502 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 50ml : 0.10 ml, with interme Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 50ml : 0.10 ml, with...
10593402 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with interm Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with...
10593406 Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA, 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with intermedi Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA 10 ml : 0.02 ml, with...
10594202 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with interm Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with...
10594206 Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA, 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with intermedi Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA 25 ml : 0.05 ml, with...
10594502 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 50ml : 0.10 ml, with interme Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 50ml : 0.10 ml, with...
10594506 Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA, 50ml : 0.10 ml, with intermedia Automatic Burette, Pellet, amber glass, FORTUNA 50ml : 0.10 ml, with...
106832 Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT, 5 ml : 0.05 ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT 5 ml : 0.05 ml, comes...
106835 Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT, 10 ml : 0.05 ml, comes mount Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT 10 ml : 0.05 ml, comes...
106839 Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT, 15 ml : 0.10 ml, comes mount Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT 15 ml : 0.10 ml, comes...
106843 Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT, 25 ml : 0.10ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT 25 ml : 0.10ml, comes...
106845 Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT, 50 ml : 0.1 ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Dr. Schilling, Schellbach, FORT 50 ml : 0.1 ml, comes...
106932 Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA, 5 ml : 0.05 ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA 5 ml : 0.05 ml, comes...
106935 Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA, 10 ml : 0.05 ml, comes mount Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA 10 ml : 0.05 ml, comes...
106939 Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA, 15 ml : 0.10 ml, comes mount Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA 15 ml : 0.10 ml, comes...
106943 Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA, 25 ml : 0.10ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA 25 ml : 0.10ml, comes...
106945 Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA, 50 ml : 0.1 ml, comes mounte Automatic Burette, Schilling, amber glass, FORTUNA 50 ml : 0.1 ml, comes...
10553402 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 10 ml : 0.02 ml, without int Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 10 ml : 0.02 ml, without...
10553406 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 10 ml : 0.02 ml, without int Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 10 ml : 0.02 ml, without...
10554202 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 25 ml : 0.05 ml, without int Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 25 ml : 0.05 ml, without...
10554206 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 25 ml : 0.05 ml, without int Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 25 ml : 0.05 ml, without...
10554502 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 50ml : 0.10 ml, without inte Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 50ml : 0.10 ml, without...
10554506 Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT, 50ml : 0.10 ml, without inte Automatic Burette, Pellet pattern Schellbach, FORT 50ml : 0.10 ml, without...